Reza Zarrab or Hossein Dadashzadeh? Who is Hossein Dadashzadeh? These days there is talk about Hossein Dadashzadeh in Turkey. Hossein Dadashzadeh is a famous businessman of Iranian from the city of T...
Reza Zarrab or Hossein Dadashzadeh? Who is Hossein Dadashzadeh? These days there is talk about Hossein Dadashzadeh in Turkey. Hossein Dadashzadeh is a famous businessman of Iranian from the city of T...
#İsveç də və #Fransa nın əyalətlərində tanınmış #fotoqraf Reza Deqatinin fotolarından ibarət “Dərin sükut” adlı sərgi nümayiş etdirilib. 📌